Berlin, June 12th, 1917
This camp was visited by me on June12th, 1917, my visiting having been announced the evening before.
The Commandant is Hauptmann von Kletzing [gemeint sein dürfte F. W. von Klitzing, vermutlich nur in Vertretung]. He and his officers gave me all possible information and assistance. Sergeant-Major Sweeny is the senion non-commissioned officer.
The camp was previously visited on October 17, 1916, by Dr. Webster and Mr. Ayrault, of the former American Embassy in Berlin. [HIER der Report dazu.]
With regard to a complaint brought forward during the last visit regarding the lack of interpreters, there are now several interpreters transferred from other camps.
Corporal Whitler and Private Hodson were transferred on November 13th, 1916, to Switzerland.
According to the last report there were 143 British working in the neighborhood, but at the time of my visit they were all in the camp. There were no complaints regardinmg the work and the compensation. the men must work eight hours per day, but on Sunday no work is done. There was no mention of ill-treatment by guards.
The barracks are built of wood, on sandy soil. There are four double windows with ventilation at each side. The non-commissioned officer has a separate small room. Light is furnished by means of electricity, and heat by means of three stoves. The barracks were clean and well ventilated. Single bunks with straw mattresses are provided and were also very clean. Each men has two blankets.
The latrines were outside the barrack, and of the usual type, clean, odorless, and fitted with seats. Certain parts were partitioned off for prisoners of higher rank. The latrines are disinfected with chloride of lime.
There is a canteen with the usual articles for sale.
There is also a church for the prisoners.
There is plenty of opportunity for recreation and exercise. The men have an orchestra, and there is also a library.
The bath room is furnished with hot and cold water, and the men bathe as often as they wish. the washing facilities are also good. The prisoners would be glad to receive supplies of soap from England.
Packjages and letters arrive with some delay. the former are all numbered, entered and opened (one in ten). The owner gets a number corresponding with the packages, and twice daily as much as is opened, examined and distributed.
The kitchen was clean and orderly and fitted with three steam boilers. The British have there own stove and steam boiler, where they cock the contants of their packages. The other gifts, not addressed to any particular ondividual, are shared amaong the British prisoners by the non-commissioned officer under control of the Commandant.
The menue for the day was musssels, potatoes, turnips, onions, rolled oats, margarines, radishes, maizemeal, rhubarb and sugar; coffee with sugar.
The post office handled during the last month about 100,000 packages and letters. The prisoners complained about the delay in the delivery of letters. It takes from three weeks to three months faor a letter to arrive. The question for the non-arrival of soap should be a matter of investigation.
The medical attention is of the best. There are four military doctors alwaysin the camp. Special cases and those necessitating Roentgen photographs are sent to Rostock or to other specialists. The British in the lazaret were very contented.
The spirit of the camp was very good, and the prisoners looked healthy.
Dr. Römer
Quelle: Bundesarchiv R901/84313